Friday, July 19, 2013

In The End...

     After researching addiction and some of the ways it affects the mind and body, I have concluded that there is a lot to learn on this topic and I am not very good at uncovering information. Seriously though, I have learned that there is no conclusive evidence, that I have found, to back up the "addictive personality" theory, although, addiction may, in fact, be hereditary. I have also learned that a person's gender and hormones may have a lot more to do with addiction than I previously realized. Despite the fact that I have neglected to uncover any real evidence that there is a such thing as an "addictive personality", I still believe that some people are more prone to addiction and have a harder time overcoming it than other people. I suppose this is actually supported by genetics and I think that having a genetic makeup with addiction may be similar, if not the same as having an "addictive personality", as I feel these people are more prone to being addicts. I am very intrigued by the link I found between gender and hormones and addiction. This was an angle that I never considered before. I would still like to do more research on this and see if there is more I can find out about this. I would also like to do more research on the recovery aspect of addiction. I am interested to know how gender and hormones affect this and overall success rates. I wonder if there is any research in this area? The genetic issue still weighs a lot on my mind. How does someone's genes affect their chances at recovery? I feel like it is probably quite a bit harder for someone that comes from line of addiction to overcome that. As far as I know, there is no "addiction gene" in my family and I feel I have been quite successful. I have overcome a drug addiction and also a nicotine addiction. My husband on the other hand, seems to have a strong "addiction gene" in his family and has been very unsuccessful at kicking any of his addictions. As far as this blog assignment has gone, I wish I had included a little more personal insight in my blog. Anyhow, I look forward to looking more into these questions and having (hopefully) more conclusive research by the next assignment!

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