Friday, July 5, 2013

WHAT to write about...

So, I have been given an assignment. Create an Exploratory blog. I have never written a blog before, but figured this would be a fun assignment. However, I have had the hardest time coming up with a topic or question that I am curious about. On an ordinary day, this would not be a problem, as I am curious about about a gazillion things every day. Every single one of them worth researching. However, for now they all elude me.

I have, however, come up with one thing. What are the effects of certain drugs, specifically cocaine and methamphetamine, on the body and mind? How do these drugs affect the brain? What are effects with short term usage? Are the damages reversible if the user quits? What are the long term effects?  What causes someone to become addicted to and abuse these substances? Are some people more affected by these drugs than other people? I feel that some people are more likely to abuse drugs than others. I feel that some people are more easily addicted than other people. Is there a such thing as an 'addictive personality'? Is this just myth? How about recovery? Do some people rehabilitate better than other people? Are there methods that work better than others? What are the most successful?

I suspect that I have plenty of things to research here and I believe that I will be able to find plenty of information to answer my questions. Some websites that popped up after hitting up Google are;;; These should be good places to start. Also wikipedia could prove useful.

 Yes, I realize maybe this has been done to death already, but this is something I do have a genuine curiosity about and something that also hits close to home for me, for more than one reason. I myself am a recovering addict. I have been clean for many many years now. People that are close to me struggle with drug addiction. I, personally, feel that some people are more likely to become addicted to certain drugs than other people. I also feel that some people have an easier time quitting than other people. I believe that there is a such thing as an addictive personality. I don't really feel that these thoughts will change much, but I am very curious to know what science has to say about these things. I wonder if scientific research varies from my personal experience and if so, how much?

That's all for now. Should be an interesting journey...


  1. Your first questions are not open-ended and won't work for this project: "What are the effects of certain drugs, specifically cocaine and methamphetamine, on the body and mind? How do these drugs affect the brain?" These are information questions, meaning they have a certain answer that can be found. For this project, you need an "issue question," which means that it invites debate and multiple perspectives.

    However, some of your later questions ARE open-ended because people disagree about the answers: " Is there a such thing as an 'addictive personality'? Is this just myth? How about recovery?"

    I recommend refocusing your blog on some of those questions. You may need to answer the other, earlier questions along the way to build background knowledge, but those questions shouldn't be the main purpose of your blog. Rather, you want to "wallow in complexity," suspend judgment, consider alternative views, and eventually figure out the "best" answer based on your research.

  2. Arianna, I think this will be very interesting. As you read in my blog, I am living with an addict, an alcoholic. I also take care of many addicts. Many of the patients that are admitted to my unit end up going through withdrawals from something, either alcohol, meth, black tar heroine, you name it! I think addictive personalities are baffling to me because yes I smoke, but smoking doesn't cause me to run down the street naked and I certainly haven't lost my livelihood over it. If that were the case, guarantee I would never smoke again. I don't understand why people continue with their addiction if the result is negative.

  3. Is there such a thing as an addictive personality? I think that's a great open ended question and I'd be interested in reading your findings.

  4. I certainly hold the belief that some individuals have traits that would lead them to addiction. I had a bout with binge drinking in my early 20s. However, one thing that always gets me is when people refer to addiction as a disease. I've never felt comfortable with that definition.Do you feel that addiction is a disease of the mind like psychosis, or similar to a physical malady like cancer? Perhaps in some of your research you can explore this question as well.

  5. Very interesting post! I am excited to see what you come up with. I wonder too is addiction in your genes? So if you have a father that is an alcoholic do your odds of becoming addicted to something increase? This is a topic that hits home for me as well. I have a sister who has been clean for 4ish years I think, and a father that is an alcoholic. I am excited to see what you find! Good luck!

  6. @Willard...I don't think that addiction is a physical malady like cancer. As far as it being a disease of the mind..I go back and forth. I'm hoping this blog will help me figure that out, too, I suppose.

  7. This is going to be a very interesting blog to learn of the physical and mental attributes of certain drugs. I think addiction does exist and can easily be relatable to several people. I’m sure long term addiction will definitely do permanent damage. Do you think methamphetamine is one of the most addictive drugs out there?

    1. I do think Methamphetamine is one of the most addictive drugs out there. Mainly because I feel that it kind of sneaks up on you out of nowhere. It's a tricky drug, in my opinion.

  8. Hey Arianna,
    I just wanted to let you know, you aren't the only recovering addict in this class... I've been struggling with sobriety for about 2 years now. I think if you could narrow down your question to something along the lines of "Is there such a thing as an addictive personality?" that would be very interesting to see what you find. Regardless I am excited to see what you come up with!

    1. That's great that you have been sober for 2 years! That is an awesome accomplishment. I myself am coming up on 8 years clean. I think it's always nice to know that other people are going through the same things and it can definitely help with recovery if you can talk to people that can relate to you. Keep up the great work!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Arianna,
    I know this is a little late, but I wanted to say that with a topic like this there can never be enough personal study into the matter. IT may have been already investigated and explored immensely, but there is always more to know when it comes to powerful things such as addiction. I appreciate you taking the time to explore and share with us.
